Ending February 11, 2025
The name of Brooklyn's National League team in the early twentieth century evolved from the Superbas to the Robins (in honor of manager Wilbert Robinson) to the (Trolly)Dodgers. In the Helmar T206 set there are nine Superbas subjects. Of these only one is a member of the Hall of Fame (Wee Willie Keeler, card #354). Nap Rucker (card #25) and "Wild" Bill Dahlen (card #79) are other notable players. The cards of these later two stars do not seem to bring a premium, however. The "Robins" have six members, of which only #374, Rube Marquard, is a member of the Hall. A card showing the popular catcher, Chief Meyers (card #405), is notable. There are two cards of Fred "Bonehead" Merkle (#'s 125 and 126) that are well done but seem to bring only a slight premium. The remaining Brooklyn subjects appear with the Dodgers (eleven). Six of these are hall of fame members including two of "Ol' Stubble beard" Burleigh Grimes. Of the two, card #2 (Grimes throwing) brings about a 20% premium over card #63 (portrait). The final four hall of famers are #396 Medwick, #22 Stengel, #447 Vance and #5 Wheat. Of the "retired" cards, #22 Casey Stengel has brought the highest prices. All told there are thirty Brooklyn National League subjects within the series.