Ending March 11, 2025
The Tigers have a heavy presence in this set (thirty-nine cards) and players from the 1907-9 championship era are well represented. Ty Cobb has three cards (#'s 30, 478 and 480). In #480 Cobb is shown in a horizontal format with his bat forward. It has proved to be one of the most popular cards in the series. Sam Crawford has two cards (#37, #301). His manager Hughie Jennings also has two (#514,#515). Other Tigers from those years include Bill Donovan (#404), Red Downs (#482), Davy Jones (#573), Ed Killian (#477), George Moriarty (#549), George Mullin (#570), Charley O'Leary (#547), Claude Rossman (#484), Germany Schaefer (#474) and Ed Willett (#481). Bobby Veach, the forgotten man of baseball in spite of the fourteen year career and .310 batting average, has two cards (#'s 372, 475). Later HOF'er Hal Newhouser has one attractive card (#433), as does Mickey Cochrane (#439). The interest in the Cobb cards, however, far outpace interest in any of the others.
# Bids: 0
Current Bid: None
Estimate: $16 - $47