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Ending April 1, 2025

T206 size, Our Guy cards burst with color, front and back. Each card shows the player in fine detail and color, just as T206-era artists might have liked their work to appear had the technology been available. We consider it a subset of Helmar T206. This series has 165 cards at 1.625" x 2.65". It was first released in the fall of 2013. In the fall of 2021 the series was extended with a round, 2.5" dexterity hand puzzle made to match selected cards in the series. Each hand puzzle constituted a game piece that included 3 dice with outcomes detailed on the puzzle backs. Game pieces are checklisted from #180 to #199. Themes include advertisements for beer, tyres and concession stand food. 27 of each game piece were produced.

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