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Ending March 18, 2025

Pittsburgh at the turn of the century was a hard working, hard living city. The Pirates team and the individual players reflected these values and were loved in return. Thirty Pittsburgh Pirates are found withing the Helmar T206 series and a surprising number, eleven, depict hall of famers. They are led by a five cards of Honus Wagner (#'s 6,56,254,266 and 268). If that number at first sounds too many, an examination of the five cards should put that notion to rest. They are non-repetitive and different enough that one can imagine how the Helmar artists could option to paint each; to force a decision on which to leave out would have been an unbearable task. Beside Wagner, Fred Clarke has four cards (#3,#26,#198,#199) and Max Carey two (#76 and #77). Other players of renown are Deacon Phillippe (#585), Tommy Leach (#217 and #218) and Wilber Cooper (#540). In pricing matters all Wagners lead the way with a slight preference for the stretching pose of card #6. The #3 Fred Clarke comes in just after the Wagners.

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